Women in the Workforce

Women have an enormous presence in the current workforce in the U.S.

  • Women comprised 46 percent of the total U.S. labor force in 2006.1
  • In 2006, there were a record 67 million employed women in the U.S.2
  • 70 million women were labor force participants—working or looking for work—in 2006.3
  • The labor force participation rate for all women was 59.4 percent in 2006.4
  • The labor force participation rate for mothers is 70.9 percent.5
  • By race the rates are:
    • Black women 61.7%;
    • White women 59 %;
    • Asian women 58.3 %
    • Hispanic women 56.1%.6


What Makes a Recipe Easy?

What Makes a Recipe Easy?

A recipe that is complicated is something that most people try to avoid, especially if they don’t like cooking, or are time poor.  And people who have never learned to cook but just picked it up over time often find that they don’t like all the fuss and bother of finding those extra ingredients in the supermarket, not to mention paying for them at the checkout. Whatever reason you may have for looking up easy recipes, first you have to decide what exactly it is that makes a recipe easy?

Method counts

It is not always the number of ingredients, but also the method that can make a recipe difficult to make. If you have to cook or one or two out of several ingredients separately, this is going to add more time and effort to make the thing, whatever it is. Or if you have to stir some part of it on the stove very slowly so that it does something – or doesn’t do it – such as turning brown, then this too, adds to the aggravation factor.

Common ingredients = no shopping needed

So if you can find a recipe with fewer ingredients all of which you are sure to have in the pantry – so no special shopping trip needed; and if the method of cooking is just basically mix it all up and put it in the pan, then you’ll be a very happy cook. If that is you, here is a recipe for a cake you may be interested in. It has only four ingredients that can all be tossed into a dish, mixed up and then transferred to the cake pan.


We Work! Magazine

The Voice for Women’s Education and Economic Equity

We Work! is a quarterly magazine sent to Women Work! members.

Summer 2007

In this Issue

Message from the Chair and President Page 4
Woman of Triumph: Danielle Smith Page 5
Work That Fits Page 6
The Issues: Coalitions In The Field  Page 8
Legislator Profile: Edward M. Kennedy Page 9
In The Field: iWorks! Works for Women Page 10
2007 Conference Special Page 12
Employer Spotlight Page 14
Woman to Woman  page 15


Back to School

More Education Needed?

Once you’ve chosen a new career direction, decide if you need more education. This might be a six-week adult-ed class in database management or a new degree in early childhood development.

You may have life or work experience that can substitute for formal classes. You’ll have to decide if you know enough for your new opportunity.

Is More Schooling Necessary?

Be sure you really need to return to school before moving in a new direction. Many women find it exhilarating to return to the classroom after time away. The intellectual stimulation may be very welcome after years away from school. And being back on a college campus can feel invigorating after years of being grown up, or it may feel threatening.


Equal Pay for Women

According to the US Census Bureau, in 2005 women earned 77 cents for every $1 earned by men, statistically unchanged from 2004The wage gap costs the average American full-time working woman between $700,000 and $2 million over the course of her lifetime, according to economist Evelyn Murphy, president of the WAGE Project

To fight this injustice, Women Work! strives to educate individuals about the wage gap, including how to work with employers to implement fair pay policies; fight the wage gap in their own lives; and advocate for equal pay legislation on both federal and state levels.

Women deserve to be paid according to their productivity and economic worth–not by their gender.

Capitol Hill Equal Pay Day Rally

Equal Pay Legislation

Fighting the Wage Gap Fact Sheet (pdf file, 91 kb)

Statistics and charts comparing age, gender, family type and other characteristics affecting wages.


What are Restraining Orders?


Many women seem to get tangled up in an abusive relationship. Often they are vulnerable in some way and are the victim of a predator or a con man who can put on a good, caring act to start with. These men are simply using their partners, who may be better off financially than they are, or able to offer a place for them to move into.

Whatever the reason for the abuse, a restraining order is a legal document that prevents an abuser from coming close enough to continue the abuse after the relationship ends.  At least, that is the theory. In reality, the abuser can break the conditions and still cause harm to the victim. The only real benefit is that he can then be prosecuted.

Two different types

There are two different types of restraining order; a violence restraining order (vro) and a misconduct restraining order (mro). If you are afraid of violence against your person, then the former order is the one to apply for. If you are only concerned about misconduct that does not include personal violence, apply for a misconduct restraining order. In some states, the former may be called an Apprehended Violence Order, or AVO.

In both cases the penalty for disobeying the orders can be a fine or gaol time.


Q & A with Dr. Richie

I am a single mother, and I am working really hard to keep it together. I feel drained emotionally and financially. How can I pay my bills, be there for my children, and keep my sanity?

Thanks, Anne

Dear Anne,

As I often say to women I work with, my heart is always first and foremost with the single mothers. Aside from the responsibilities of providing both emotional and financial support to your kids, you are also handling the many difficult child raising questions that plague most parents on your own. Parenting is a tough enough job with two people working on it, so clearly it’s not an easy task for one person.

Many single mothers feel they have to do it all on their own, and are hesitant to ask for help from friends and family members. You haven’t said whether that description fits you, but it’s important to address. What kind of a community do you have around you? Are you close to your family? Do you have close friends who you can count on when you need a listening ear, a carpool, or someone who can pick you up some milk on her run to the store so you don’t have to pack your kids in the car to do that small task?


Action Works!

Subscribe to Action Works! Women’s Voices for Change and become part of the nation’s largest network of advocates dedicated to advancing economic justice and equality for women.

Service providers, students, women in transition, citizen advocates and leaders in the women’s community have already added their voices to the chorus. Sign up now and receive up-to-the-minute alerts on policy issues affecting women’s economic justice.

Making Money Work!

This six-session, hands-on financial education program was designed especially for women who are facing some of life’s toughest difficulties, and struggling to gain a foothold in a world where stability and financial security seem like distant dreams.

The goal of the Making Money Work! financial education program is to help participants achieve financial stability and effectively manage a limited earned income by providing subject matter information, motivational participatory learning activities, and access to resources. The program introduces participants to basic financial concepts, such as goal setting, determining needs versus wants, developing a spending plan, managing a checking account, and the wise use of credit.

Making Money Work! Online Facilitator’s Guide


The Legal Process of Surrogacy

Legal Process of Surrogacy

There are two types of surrogacy available for women who cannot have children for whatever reason. Laws about surrogacy vary in different states so consult your family lawyer to find out what’s legal in your state. Surrogacy brings hope to those couples who want a child that belongs to at least one of them genetically instead of adopting one, but cannot have one in the natural way. There are two types of surrogacy.

  • The first and traditional way is when your spouse’s sperm is implanted into the surrogate mother using her own egg. This makes the surrogate the baby’s biological mother, even though she is carrying the child for another person.
  • The second is when your own egg is fertilised by your spouse out of the uterus and implanted into the surrogate. This is referred to as a gestational surrogacy and the woman who carries the child has no genetic ties to it, since her egg was not used. She is called the birth mother.

The legalities of both are somewhat confusing in Australia, mainly because the law differs from state to state. And as technology changes the law changes too. However, generally speaking the gestational surrogacy is the easiest path to navigate legally, since both parents are genetically tied to the child while the birth mother is not.

Even so, it is a good idea for those who take either route to ensure they can become parents to seek the help of an experienced surrogacy lawyer to write up a legal contract – an agreement about who the parents are genetically and who will claim the child as their own when it is born.


Advice for Women Job Seekers: Appearance Matters

Americans Say a Woman’s Appearance Affects Whether She is Taken Seriously on the Job, Considered for Raises & Promotions 
Survey Report (pdf, 146kb)
Statistical Tables for all 8 questions (pdf, 52kb)

APRIL 23, 2001 — In this graduation season, Americans have advice for the millions of women job-seekers who are graduating from high school, college and job training programs: a professional appearance will help you get and keep a job, and win responsibilities, raises and promotions. A new poll finds that nearly seven in ten Americans (69 percent) – and more than eight in ten women – say clothing, hair and makeup are very or extremely important for a woman on the job, and for her confidence. Large majorities say that a woman’s appearance affects whether she is taken seriously, asked to represent her company at outside meetings, and considered for raises and promotions.


Free Guides Helps Women Entering the Workforce “Work Your Image!”

Download the Order Form for requesting free copies of WYI! materials.
Download the WYI! Tip Sheet English, Spanish 
Download the WYI! Family Guide Tip Sheet
Download the WYI Evaluation Form
(Right click on the link and select “save as” to save a copy of the form to your computer.)

As the saying goes, “you only have one chance to make a first impression,” but there is a great deal a person can do to make that impression a positive and lasting one. Realizing the value of presenting a professional appearance, Women Work!, in partnership with the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association (CTFA), created a unique program to help women in transition put their best foot forward in today’s competitive job market. Work Your Image! Creating a Professional Image to Get and Keep a Job® (WYI!) provides basic information for women entering or re-entering the workforce with a common-sense approach to creating a positive first impression.


Report Shows Women and Girls are Invisible Again

National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education finds vocational education law fails women and girls

The National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education (NCWGE) released a report in Oct. 2001 that found programs designed to help women and girls succeed in vocational education are rapidly collapsing, leaving many women and girls in jeopardy of losing out on important educational opportunities. NCWGE expressed concern that the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act of 1998 — the federal law governing vocational education at secondary and post-secondary institutions — provides insufficient support for women and girls at a time when welfare time-limits are fast approaching.


Recruiting for the Information Technology

Recruiting for the Information Technology Age (RITA) is a multifaceted project to increase the number of women represented in the information technology (IT) sector. Through RITA, Women Work!’s member programs partner with local employers to create collaborative relationships that move women into high-paying, stable jobs. Employer partners inform training design and provide job shadowing, internship, on-the-job-training and site visit opportunities to students. As a result, women are knowledgeable about job opportunities and requirements, gain work experience and have a ‘foot in the door’ with their local employers.

Project Outcomes

  • Women Work! has implemented RITA at 17 sites in 11 states since 1998, working with member organizations in North Carolina, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Oregon, South Dakota, Maine, New Jersey, Colorado, Wisconsin and Idaho
  • Hundreds of women have been exposed to IT careers, with more than 300 completing education and training that leads to an internship, apprenticeship, or full-time job earning at least $9.00 an hour
  • Partnerships have been established with nearly 100 IT employers
  • Women Work! creates resources and publications, such as Getting IT Across , to share strategies for recruiting women into lucrative, non-traditional careers


Women Work!shops April 25

Find out what Women Work! can do for you during two sessions of Women Work!shops. Women Work! staff and members will give you an overview of the resources, teaching tools, curricula and training the organization has to offer. You will leave each session with new tools and suggestions for how to use them in your work and life. Topics include:

Domestic Violence Survivors and the Legal System
Presenter: Rebecca Henry
Women Work! and the American Bar Association Commission on Domestic Violence recently partnered to produce Finding a Lawyer, a tip sheet which helps survivors of domestic violence understand the basics about finding and working with a lawyer. In this session you will learn more about recent research which sites access to legal services and improved economic status as the top two factors affecting declines in intimate partner violence. You’ll also learn more about the ways you can help your clients navigate the legal system.


Women Work! Pay Them Fairly!

Capitol Hill Equal Pay Day Rally

US Capitol Building West Lawn (front lawn)

1:30 p.m. – 2:20 p.m.

April 24, 2007

Equal Pay Day is observed in April to indicate how far into each year a woman must work to earn as much as a man earned in the previous year. In 2007, April 24th symbolizes the day when women’s wages catch up to men’s wages from the previous year. Because women on average earn less, they must work longer for the same pay. For women of color, the wage gap is greater.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) brought the rally to a triumphant conclusion with the words. Equal pay is fair for women, good for families and right for America!


Legislators leading the fight for wage equity in the House and the Senate were featured speakers at the rally. (l. to r.) Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA), Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) joined Women Work! President and CEO Jill Miller at the podium.

Women Work! organized an Equal Pay Day Rally to demand Congressional support for women’s wage equity in 2007.

The rally was motivating for all who attended.

Evelyn Murphy, founder of the WAGE project also spoke at the rally.

Perkins Career and Technical Education Act: Implementation Center

After years of effort, the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act was signed into law by President Bush on August 12, 2006. The law takes several positive steps to ensure that women in transition have greater access to the career and technical education system.

Read Women Works!’s Advocate’s Guide to Perkins IV

Policy Resources

Perkins Implementation Action Kit

Perkins III Data Tables
Inform your Perkins advocacy with statistics on displaced homemakers and single parents in career and technical education programs in your State.


4 Good Reasons for Starting a Business

Starting a Business

While statistically it seems that it is mostly males who start up their own business, this doesn’t have to preclude an woman from doing so. In fact, women may have more reasons to start up their own business and often, more skills. For instance, few men would want to be a beauty consultant, create beautiful nails or apply make-up for a living, but if you have those skills you can easily branch out on your own.

Setting up your own business is not that hard when you put your mind to it. It does not need to be a national retail store. You can start off small and you may even be happy to stay that way, so long as you are making a living.  Here are 4 good reasons for starting your own business.

  • You have marketable skills, but there is no one in town to hire you. This means that you have found a niche in the market that will likely make you successful if you start up your own business. That said, marketable is the keyword. If you know how to make wagon wheels starting up such a business is not likely to bring in many customers. But if you know how to make other women look fabulous or feel wonderful, then go for it.


State Affiliate Activities

IN – Indiana Women Work! has seen extensive growth since affiliating. In addition to their annual Women & Work conference this year, INWW will be awarding a small scholarship to a woman going back to school.

NE – Nebraska Women Work! is a newer affiliate that has cultivated a committed core of members. They are very proud of their recent accomplishments, including media coverage and the creation of a survey to assess the barriers NE women face in the workforce.

MD – Maryland Women Work! sponsored a conference early this year called “Opportunities for Change in Ocean City ”. They host an annual legislative day where service participants learn about their valuable role in civic matters and meet with delegates from around the state.


Public Policy and Advocacy at Women Work!

  • NEW! Women Work! introduces the 2009 Public Policy Agenda! The Public Policy Agenda sets priorities for legislative and advocacy work in the Women Work! national office and in the field. In 2009, Women Work! will fight for policies that bolster the economic security of women and their families.
  • Learn more about women’s economic justice issues.
  • Follow the status of key public policies that affect women’s employment and educational equity. Visit our Policy Tracker
  • Subscribe to Action Works! and add your voice to the nation’s largest network of advocates demanding economic justice and equality for women.

Policy Tracker

Use the Women Work! Policy Tracker to follow developments in federal legislation that affects women entering, re-entering, and advancing in the workplace.

Workforce Investment Act (WIA) 
The nation’s workforce investment system, WIA is long overdue for reauthorization. Women Work! advocates for reforms in WIA to increase women’s access to training for high-skill, high-wage, and nontraditional careers.

Pay Equity Legislation
The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act are critical to women’s workplace equity and economic security.

Higher Education Act (HEA)
The 2008 reauthorization of the Higher Education Act contains provisions that will aid nontraditional students in obtaining higher education.


Teaching Tools & Curricula

Women Work!’s teaching tools and curricula are available FREE to organizational members. Resources listed in this section can be downloaded from the Members Only section of this website. Select resources are also available in hard copy or on CD. To order resources complete the order form and mail or fax it to Women Work!. A processing fee of $5 will be charged for each CD ordered.

Work Your Image!

Leader’s Guide – Item # 11

Participant’s Guide – Item # 12

Personal Worksheet – Item # 13

Personal Tip Sheet (English) – Item # 14

Personal Tip Sheet (Spanish) – Item # 15

Family Guide Tip Sheet – Item # 16

Creating a Professional Image to Get and Keep a Job®


8 Signs that Indicate Couple Counselling is Needed

Couple Counselling

Sometimes problems in relationships sneak up slowly and we become so used to them that we don’t even recognise them as a problem that needs dealing with. Other times we may be so busy with parenting or work responsibilities that we just don’t have the energy to deal with a problem. Or it may be that one partner or spouse is a very giving person who always makes excuses for her partner’s behaviour, whatever it may be.

Then one day you realise that the problem has escalated out of control, or that you simply are not interested in living with your spouse anymore. The trouble is that divorce can cause as many problems as it solves, especially when there are children. If you stop for a few moments and assess your relationship, you may realise that it is time for couple counselling. Here are 8 pointers to help you make that decision.

  • When you are not talking, talk is always negative or you are afraid to talk. Communications is often an issue in relationships and if it continues the relationship cannot help but break down. A counsellor can help you find ways of communicating that don’t lead to arguments or one spouse feeling let down.
  • When you begin to think of your partner as an adversary. Marriage should be a partnership, not a continual struggle to get what you want as against what he wants. If your spouse becomes an antagonist you cannot have a good relationship.


Member Log-In

This is a private area of Women Work! Online for members only. If you are not a Women Work! current member, please visit our Membership Page for information on joining or renewing. If you are trying to renew your membership, please log-in and follow the prompts to the renewal form.

  • If you are a first-time user,
  • If you forgot your ID or password,
  • If you want to change your password,
  • If you require assistance, please contact us at [email protected]or 202-467-6346.

Special Projects

Workforce Development that Works For Women
Women Work! is collecting best practices for serving women in economic transition. Selected best practices will be featured in a publication to be issued by Women Work! in September 2008 and widely disseminated to policymakers and the workforce development community.

Recruiting for the Information Technology Age (RITA)
RITA is a multifaceted initiative to increase the number of women in the information technology sector.

iWorks! A Curriculum for the 21st Century Worker
The iWorks! curriculum, aimed at promoting information literacy for job seekers, is currently being piloted by five Women Work! member programs.

Women Work! Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) Education Campaign
The IDA Education Campaign includes both information about IDAs themselves and information about the recently completed teleconference series regarding these important tools for women’s economic self-sufficiency.

Women Work! State Affiliates

Women Work! State Affiliates are organized groups of members working together to improve the status of women in their states. Together, Women Work! members advance positive social and economic change. In the past year we have seen some incredible work from our states including a published survey documenting barriers faced by women in Nebraska, a legislative lobby day in Maryland and the approval of a joint resolution in the Illinois State Legislature that created a displaced homemaker task force.

State Affiliate Links:

Interested in organizing an affiliate in your state?

Women Work! looks forward to organizing affiliate networks in all 50 states! Our national staff will lend their expertise in helping to create a thriving state level network to further women’s economic security in your state! Contact Sarah Rose-Jensen, Membership and Field Services Manager, to find out more!

Public Policy Priorities 2009

As the nation works its way out of an economic crisis, public policies become all the more important for steering us toward recovery and growth. Policies that strengthen the American workforce, encourage innovation, and support struggling families are an investment that we must make in our future. Given women’s vital role in the workforce, their economic security figures prominently into the economic success of our country and must be supported. In 2009,
Women Work! will fight for policies that bolster the economic security of women and their families.

Economic Recovery That Includes Women

A broad economic recovery effort is needed to end the ongoing recession, but it must benefit all Americans. Women are a vital part of today’s economy, and in many cases are the sole providers for their families. Federally-funded economic recovery projects present a unique opportunity to end women’s near-exclusion from high-paying, traditionally “male” fields – a condition that contributes to women’s disproportionately high levels of poverty – by ensuring women’s access to jobs created in these fields. To achieve this, strong enforcement of nondiscrimination laws and the advancement of other gender equity provisions are needed.

60 percent of working
women earn 
half or more of their families’ incomes.
– U.S. Census Bureau

Another essential component of economic recovery is Unemployment Insurance modernization, which Congress should fund to help states expand coverage to low-wage and part-time workers – most of whom are women. Federal aid should also be used to bolster safety net programs that provide vital services to disadvantaged populations, including female-headed families. Dollars spent on Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF), nutrition and energy assistance, and child care, to name a few examples, will support women at work and be quickly channeled back into the economy.


Trainings in the Field

Consider bringing Women Work!’s field team to your next conference, regional meeting or event to conduct a training. To set up a training contact Sarah Rose-Jensen at (202) 467-6346 or at [email protected]. Women Work! staff can present on any of the following topics:

Women Work! The Power of a Network – An overview of Women Work!’s history, activities and membership categories.

Joining the Network – Technical Assistance on State Affiliation

Creating and Living your Vision and Mission – A facilitated process for revisiting or creating a truly representative vision and mission


Economic Equity Insider

Keep up-to-date with the Economic Equity Insider, the Women Work! legislative update on women’s workforce development issues, vocational education, federal financial aid, welfare policy and related issues, which is published weekly when Congress is in session. To receive the Insiderjoin Women Work! now.

Members, sign in now and go to Download Free Publications to view the current Economic Equity Insider.

Read Past Issues


March 10, 2009

  • Reminder: Make Your Advocacy Day Appointments!
  • Paycheck Fairness Act Gaining Cosponsors in Senate
  • While Congress Attempts to Finish FY 2009 Appropriations, Obama Releases Blueprint for FY 2010 Budget
  • Family-Friendly Policies Take Center Stage at House Hearing


Advocacy Toolkit

The Women Work! Advocacy Toolkit is designed to give you all the skills you need to be a successful advocate for women’s economic justice and equality.

The Advocacy Toolkit is benefit available only to Women Work! members. Each installment will be released first through the Economic Equity Insider and and will be available to download through the members only section of the web site.

  • Women Work! Advocacy Toolkit:Cover
  • Women Work! Advocacy Toolkit: Table of Contents
  • Women Work! Advocacy Toolkit: How to Use This Guide
  • Section #1: Hosting Elected Officials At Your Program
  • Section #2: Federal Legislative 101
  • Section #3: Meeting with Your Legislators
  • Section #4: Engaging Clients in Advocacy
  • Section #5: Creating an Advocacy Action Calendar
  • Section#6: Using Data/Telling Stories
  • Section #7: Budget and Appropriations 101
  • Section #8: Managing the Media
  • Section #9: Building Relationships With Your Legislator
  • Download the entire Tool Kit here


Advertising in We Work! Magazine

Reach the nation’s largest network of women’s education and job training programs by advertising in We Work! magazine. Our broad and diverse constituency includes members, donors and other supporters that have made an investment in the goals of Women Work!

For an overview of the magazine, click here.

For ad rates or more information, contact Development Manager, Tamika Hodnett-Johnston via email or phone at (202) 467-6346.

Reports and Data

Chutes and Ladders: The Search for Solid Ground for Women in the Workforce

Women Work!’s critical Census study has found that single mothers and displaced homemakers are not a disappearing phenomenon in the United States. In fact, these family groups are on the increase and likely to be vastly over-represented in the nation’s low-paying service jobs. Read more and download the full report…

State Displaced Homemaker Legislation Update

More than ever, state support for displaced homemakers is critical to the needs of this population and the programs that help them reach economic self-sufficiency. Women Work! monitors changes in the legislation and support for program servicing displaced homemakers and produces a legislative update. Read more and find links to state legislation…


Join The Fight For Women’s Economic Security!

Women Work! members include individual supporters of economic equality for women, organizations that assist women to enter, re-enter, and advance in the workforce, and state networks (link to state affiliates) that advocate for women’s economic self-sufficiency.

When you join Women Work! you become a part of the nation’s largest network advocating for the economic security of women through education, training and career advancement. Women Work members also receive benefits such as policy updates, action alerts, and publications for the latest information on the fight for women’s economic justice and security.

Whether you are a large company, a small non-profit, or an individual committed to social equality Women Work! has a membership to fit your needs.

Corporate Programmatic Supporters

Women Work! depends on our corporate partners for a variety of programmatic support in areas such as Workforce Development, Financial Education and Asset Building, Career Information and Advancement, Education, Capacity Building, Policy and Advocacy, Affiliate and Member Services, and Leadership Development.

Workforce Development

Bank of America
Biogen Idec
Continental Airlines
The Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association
Fannie Mae Foundation

Corporate Board of Advisors

Women Work! is proud to acknowledge corporations that have committed to the women’s training and support organizations by investing in Women Work!’s strategic growth.

The following corporations serve on Women Work!’s Corporate Board of Advisors (CBA), which is designed to advance new initiatives and partnerships with the private sector. The CBA is an exclusive group of mostly Fortune 100 and 500 corporations who assist the organization in implementing institutional development strategies; initiating programs and activities focusing on community, education and business development; and creating strategies to promote women’s employment advancement.

WOMEN WORK! CORPORATE BOARD OF ADVISORS  (List current as of June 2007)


Innovative Ways to Give

Join our Empowerment Circle!

Women Work!’s Empowerment Circle is a group whose common bond is a commitment to protecting women’s economic security. By joining, your gift of $100 or more supports our mission.

Happy Birthday

Throw yourself a birthday party, and in lieu of gifts, ask your guests to make a contribution to Women Work! This innovative manner of giving opens our doors to new donors and opens the doors wider for some of our current donors.

Group Gifts

Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” This inspirational quote encompasses the spirit of the group gift, a unique way for small group of people to have the large philanthropic impact on Women Work! By giving as a unit, whether as a book club, a doctor’s office staff, a professional association, or as a special group of friends, you can collectively choose to make a gift to an organization that gives a voice to your group’s values.


Traditional Ways to Give

Individual Gift

Individual donors are the lifeline of Women Work! Your contribution, regardless of size, makes our work possible. Cash, check, or credit card are the most direct and immediate ways to support Women Work!

Stock/Securities Gift

By contributing appreciated securities that have been held for more than one year, you receive a tax deduction equal to the stock’s full fair market value while avoiding capital gains taxes on the appreciated portion of the stock. Often times, donating stock and securities allows for making a larger gift than might otherwise be possible.

Make a Pledge

Pledges or promises of support can be made in any amount and may be paid through a single contribution or in multiple payments-monthly, quarterly or multiyear. Annual pledge payments are due at the end of each fiscal year (June 30).
