Chemical Free Beauty Tips

Chemical Free Beauty Tips

Almost anyone can look more beautiful with the addition of make-up and a trip to a day spa. The only trouble is that by applying cosmetics, you are putting many different types of chemicals into your body and some of them are carcinogenic – linked to causing cancer.  It is far safer and healthier to choose ways to improve your looks that don’t include the use of such substances, but rather, use natural products Here are some tips to do just that and some of them are laughably easy.

  • Soak your nails in olive oil for 5 minutes to add shine. Nail polish and remover are two products that are heavily laden with chemicals that are bad for you.
  • For an easy face mask that is free of chemicals and also antibacterial, warm some raw honey between your fingers and spread it over your face. Leave for 10 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. Tip: Raw honey is not the same as honey you eat.


Why Wearing a Waist Trainer at the Office May Benefit Your Spinal Health

Waist Trainer

A 40-hour week at the office can put a significant amount of strain on your mind. You’ll face complex problems, endless data entry, water cooler chat and the monotonous journey to and from home daily.

However, it’s not just your mind that can suffer from the “daily grind” but your spinal health. Without a proper workstation adjustment and poor sitting positions, you may find that your back, neck, and spine all begin to feel the effects. However, bad posture and sitting without breaks or adjustments affect not only vital components such as your back, neck, and spine but also other parts of your body. Misalignment and poor posture can result in hip, shoulder, and knee pain.

You may find that you’re in pain more often than not, your muscle strength is not as good as it used to be, and even your flexibility is poorer. In the worst case, you may also suffer from nerve constriction. This can all be caused merely by failing to have your workstation inspected for accuracy and creating lousy posture habits for yourself at your desk.

While standing at your desk, as opposed to sitting, is not an option in all offices, even with the invention of standing desks, there are ways in which you can improve your posture. You can take micro-breaks, invest in an ergonomic chair, and have a health and safety workplace professional assess your desk. However, you can also think outside the box and consider the endless possibilities for better posture thanks to waist trainers.

A waist trainer’s primary goal is to shape your body and flatten your stomach, but you can also use it to improve your posture. Wearing a waist trainer can help to straighten and realign your back while encouraging new posture habits. Since they often feature metal bones within them, they reduce the instance of bending your back while relieving pressure on your spine simultaneously.


15 Ways to use Chia Seeds!

15 Ways to use Chia Seeds

The chia seed originated in Mexico but Australia is now one of the world’s largest producers of this superfood powerhouse! Chia is full of omega fatty acids, fibre, antioxidants, protein and magnesium. The seeds contain 5 times more calcium than milk, 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, 3 times more iron than spinach and twice the potassium of a banana! Here’s how you can up your daily nutrition with just one serving of chia:

15 Ways to Use Chia Seeds

1. Add chia to your breakfast by sprinkling 1 or 2 tbsp of chia seeds over oats, yogurt, or breakfast cereal

2. For a healthy snack or light lunch, stir 1 to 2 tbsp of chia seeds into a cup of cottage cheese

3. Mix chia seeds into wet sandwich ingredients. Use tuna salad or egg salad for savoury sandwiches, or peanut butter or hazelnut spread for sweet sandwiches.


What Options You Have For Replacing Missing Teeth

Whilst having a missing tooth might feel embarrassing to some, perhaps because they are so elf-conscious that they feel they are the only person who has a lost teeth, however, your dentist will tell you that having missing teeth is far more common amongst the adult population than you might think.

There are millions of people across the world who have missing teeth, and even in countries with excellent dental care, tooth loss is still prevalent. Causes include tooth decay, accidents, and medical conditions such as hypodontia, which is a congenital condition that causes tooth loss in around 5% of adults.

Some people are happy to live with missing teeth and adjust to the gaps that they have. For others, the need to find a means of replacing the tooth becomes a mission. If you fall into that first category then you conceivably could stop reading now. For others there are several reasons why you might wish to have some form of replacement tooth or you may be asking why or what are dental implants?

Reasons For Replacing Teeth

Avoid Overworking Your Other Teeth

When we lose a tooth, especially one which I used primarily for chewing food, such as our molars at the back, we tend to adjust the way we eat and use other teeth more than before. This can overwork them and risks them being damaged through excessive wear and tear.


How Are Dental Implants Fitted?

How Are Dental Implants Fitted

If your dentist has spoken to you about dental implants, you may be wondering whether or not they are the right option for you.

Typically, a dentist will offer such a tooth replacement option rather than just fillings, if you have one or more missing teeth, healthy oral tissues, and are willing to commit to several months of healing and treatment for the beautiful final result.

But one of the first questions you might have regarding dental implants is how are they fitted? Read on to find out.

Preparation for Dental Implants

Before you get to the installation process, there is a bit of preparation that needs to occur first. This includes a comprehensive dental exam involving 3D imagery and X-rays to form a model of your jaw and teeth.

Your dentist will also review your medical history and form a treatment plan that goes through how many teeth you are replacing and your jawbone’s condition.


Social Stigmas And Public Ignorance of Psychological Disabilities

Social Stigmas

Most people are aware of physical disabilities, however, what the public at large is not so aware of are psychological disabilities, but they too exist to the extent that the expertise of disability psychologists at is required to help treat those affected.

It might serve us better if we define exactly what psychological disability is. For a start, it is not one single condition but instead is a whole range of mental conditions and disorders relating to behaviours and emotions, and well as cognitive functions.

It should be noted for a psychological condition to be classed as a disability the extent to which that conditions negatively impacts a person in multiple areas of their life including health, relationships, learning, ability to work, and even with regards to their legal status needs to be significant. Obviously, the more areas which are affected, the greater the degree of disability.

Specific examples of conditions that a disability psychologist will help their clients with include bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, personality disorder and eating disorders, although there are lots more.

Many people, when they hear the list of conditions that qualify as psychological disabilities are likely to have heard about those individual conditions but have never thought of nor classified them as disabilities. Most think that for something to be a disability that it must be something that you can see, or that has to impede the person with the disability in some physical way.


Is My Child a Late Talker?

Late Talker

It’s not uncommon for parents to panic about their children’s milestones. They may not think their child is developing fast enough, and thoughts about GP and kids’ speech therapy expert visits can flood parents’ minds.

Being mindful of your child’s development is all part of being a parent, but in the realm of speech, there are signs to look out for to see whether your child is on the right track or not. Read on to learn what steps to take if you suspect that your child is a late talker.

How Do You Define a Late Talker?

In the kids’ speech therapy world, a late talker is a child that, between the age of 18 and 30 months, can understand language but does not say many words or talk as much as other children around the same age. Their thinking skills, play skills, and motor skills may all be in check, but speech may seem like it’s lagging.

By age one, a child should know between two and six words and up to 50 by the time they are 18 months old. A two-year-old’s vocabulary can include between 200 and 300 words, while a three-year-old should ideally know at least 1,000 words. By the time your child is four, it’s common for them to know around 1,600 words.


What is Cataract Surgery and What Does it Involve?

What is Cataract Surgery

Cataracts are a natural part of the aging process. They occur as a film that forms over the eye’s lens, leading to blurry vision. Cataract surgery is the process by which the blurry, aged lens is removed, and replaced (in most cases) with an artificial lens.

In Australia, cataract surgery is performed by an opthamologist (eye doctor) and is generally a very safe and common procedure. It can be useful to have a basic understanding of the procedure and what it involves in order to prepare before your surgery.

Before the Surgery

It’s essential to prepare properly before your cataract surgery. It is fairly common for an opthamologist to instruct patients not to eat or drink anything for 12 hours prior to the surgery.

On top of this, your doctor may also advise you to stop taking any medication that could cause complications such as bleeding during the surgery. Antibiotic eye drops or medications are sometimes prescribed in advance of the surgery, and it’s important to try and get a good night’s rest before the procedure.

If stress or anxiety tends to prevent you sleeping, it could be worth talking to your doctor about available options to help you relax the night before surgery. Keep in mind that alcohol should not be consumed the day before surgery.

On the day of the surgery, wear casual dress. Don’t wear makeup, perfume, cologne, cosmetics or anything that may interfere with the procedure.


What to Know Before You Get Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers

If you are not happy with your teeth, and not everyone is, you may decide to see your dentist about porcelain veneers. After all, they tick all the boxes for what you try to achieve—a perfect smile. However, porcelain veneers are not a dental necessity, which means there are many things to consider before you decide to get them. Read on to discover whether porcelain veneers are right for you.

They Improve The Look of Your Teeth

If you are unhappy with your teeth, there’s every reason to believe that porcelain veneers are right for you. They change the colour, fix imperfections like crooked teeth and chips, and are perfect for filling gaps. If there are many things that you don’t like about your teeth, discuss them with your dentistry professional. You may find they all point in the direction of porcelain veneers.

You Don’t Have to Do All Your Teeth

Porcelain veneers can be quite a costly cosmetic procedure, but it’s one that’s entirely worth it. In saying that, if you only have one tooth you don’t like, then there’s no reason you can’t get one porcelain veneer. For example, if you chipped your tooth but the root is healthy, and there’s nothing else wrong with it, a veneer could be the answer.


How to Know You Need a Root Canal

Root Canal

You may hear your dentist talk about a root canal in two ways. It can refer to the inner passages of your tooth between its roots and the pulp. It can also be a dental procedure to remove infection and alleviate pain and discomfort. In most cases, whenever your dentist talks about a root canal, it generally means you need one.

However, there are ways you can tell you need a root canal before your dentist at your local dental care clinic picks it up at your regular check-up. What are those signs, and what happens next?

Root Canal Symptoms

Many symptoms indicate that your dentist might need to perform a root canal. Every time you eat or put pressure on your teeth, you might feel severe pain. If that food is hot or cold, you could even feel more sensitivity in that region than usual. Essentially, any pain for no reason can be a sign that something isn’t right.

Inspect your gums and see if you can notice anything else. Are there bumps in your gum near where you feel pain? Do some of your teeth appear darker than others? What about pain and swelling? These are all common signs of infection which may spell the need for your dentist to perform a root canal procedure.

Root Canal Procedure

During the procedure, they will take an x-ray, numb the area, then drill a hole into your tooth to remove the pulp tissue and damaged nerve. While the dentist is in the area, they will also clean out the infected material and seal the tooth. Depending on the damage, you may need a crown, filling, or another restorative option to finish the procedure.


What You Didn’t Know About Botox


In 2018, Australians had more cosmetic procedures, such as Botox injections, carried out per capita than the United States. It’s clear to see that Australia is a country of people who care about their appearance and want to do all that they can to maintain it. There is nothing wrong with that, and Botox injections continue to be one of the most popular minor cosmetic procedures available for a number of reasons.

You may know that Botox injections help with self-esteem and non-cosmetic conditions, but here’s what you didn’t know.

Botox is a Neurotoxin

What most people don’t know is that Botox is a neurotoxin from the bacterium known as Clostridium botulinum. Initially, doctors used it to treat eye disorders, but it wasn’t long before they came to realise it was helpful for cosmetic purposes and to help sports injuries as well.

Botox is a Brand Name

When most people talk about cosmetic fillers, they use the name ‘Botox’. However, Botox is a brand name as opposed to a cosmetic procedure. There are several other dermal fillers similar to Botox but with different brand names. It’s the same concept for if you call something “Glad Wrap” when referring to clingfilm. Glad Wrap is a brand but is now a household name for clingfilm.


Lotion vs. Cream – What’s the Difference?

Lotion vs Cream

Whether you usually shop for organic skincare products or synthetic ones, you may wonder what the difference is between lotion and cream. After all, they look the same; you put them both on your skin, so surely, they do the same thing? Believe it or not, both lotion and cream serve different purposes, and you’re best to work out what they are to ensure you get as many of the benefits as possible.

What is Lotion?

Body lotion is something that you may find more benefit in using in summery weather, or when your skin is feeling only a little bit dry – or entirely okay. Lotion tends to be more water than anything else, with just a little bit of oil and other ingredients thrown into the mix. These ingredients differ depending on whether they are natural body care products or synthetic.

Lotion is lightweight, quickly absorbed into the skin, and isn’t greasy. What’s more, you will find it is generally sold in bottles which makes it easy to squeeze into your hands. The downside to lotion is that it doesn’t last long on your skin.

What is Cream?

Whether you buy synthetic or natural body care products, you will find that most creams on the market are in tubs instead of bottles. This is because they are thicker with more oils and less water. They are also denser and richer, with a thick consistency that works better with dehydrated skin, or for use during the colder months such as winter.


4 Dental Procedures That are Considered Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry such as those procedures carried out by clinics such as Candlewood Dental Centre is for the most part any dental procedure that improves the look of the teeth rather than their function. However, in some cases non- cosmetic procedures must be done first, for it to be successful. For instance, if you have a cracked tooth, you may need to have work done on it before you can have a cap or veneer over it to improve the look.

Here are some dental procedures that are classed as cosmetic –

  • Teeth whitening – which only improves the look of the teeth, and is not anything to do with their functioning. You can eat just as well with stained teeth as with white ones.
  • Composite bonding – which improves the look of uneven teeth, teeth that have gaps or teeth that are smaller than they should be. Note that this procedure doesn’t correct the teeth; it only covers them up so they look better.
  • Inlays or onlays which are created in a dental lab to cover an area where a filling has been needed. Traditional dentistry would fill the cavity after treatment, while cosmetic dentistry improves the look of it with an onlay – something over the top that is not totally essential.


Different Types of Addiction

Different Types of Addiction

Much is heard in the media about the addiction of young people to drugs such as ice. If you have an addiction, then drug rehabilitation is the best way to get free of it—otherwise, your health, relationships, and even your life are in danger. However, there are many more addictions than that of being addicted to drugs such as ice, marijuana, cocaine and so on, as bad as they are.

These days, statistics show that alcohol addiction is one of the worst problems, with more people being addicted to it than to the above drugs. One of the reasons for this might be that it takes longer to become addicted while drinking alcohol, and even being drunk is socially accepted in today’s society.

It even seems to be a rite of passage for a young person to have alcohol and get drunk as soon as they turn 18. From then on, they will usually have some alcohol every day. This does not necessarily mean that they become addicted to it. But often, they are addicted even though they don’t believe so. They tell themselves they could quickly stop if they wanted to but never want to, so they don’t try.

As time goes on, this struggle may not be a difficult one, but they are wise to stay away from places where alcohol is served or where people offer them a social drink. Long term or short-term, it may also be a good idea to have regular psychologist follow-ups to ensure they are staying on track. If making time for these appointments is an issue, there is always the possibility of a Telehealth Psychologist, which can take place over the phone or via video chat.


How Financial Stress Can Impact Your Health

Financial Stress

Most people don’t realise just how their health can be affected through worry, especially worry over their finances. With no proper financial planning in place, any financial advisor such as andep would tell you that you are not making the most of your finances. Worrying about the future and about what could happen if you get sick, can actually bring sickness into your life.  Most doctors now realise that stress plays a big part in people getting ill.

With a good financial planner to help you make the most of your finances, this stress is removed and you will actually be much healthier. Rather than allowing financial stress to take a toll on your health, make the decision to take control of your finances and make the best of them that is possible. You can do this with the aid of a financial expert who will show you ways to get out of debt, make the most of your money and ensure your future is financially secure.

Having someone with experience in finances on your side to plan and even implement the plan if necessary, will give you much peace of mind and your stress levels will go down. If you already have a health condition, being under stress from financial worries will make it worse, while having that stress relieved will make it better, according to many health experts.
