
How to Enjoy Your Wedding Day More

Being in love and getting engaged is an amazing time of life that should be enjoyed to the full. The culmination is the wedding day, but unfortunately many brides are so tired and stressed on the day they can’t really enjoy it. To avoid this, wedding DJ’s advise to make sure you put someone you can trust in charge of the wedding event hire details and DJ so you don’t feel as if everything is your responsibility.

Here are some more ways to ensure you actually enjoy your wedding day to the max.

  • If you’ve been dieting to fit into that wedding dress, forget about it on the day of the wedding. Not having enough calories can make you feel tired irritable and even dizzy. You don’t have to eat gobs of food, but do eat throughout the day. Little and often is good. Designate someone to remind you to eat.
  • Have a lot of photos taken before the wedding. Doing it all after you are married often takes hours and can eat into those reception hours.
  • Get enough sleep on the night before, even if you feel strung up with nerves. Staying out late partying will ensure you feel wilted by the time the reception is on.
  • Don’t try to DIY. If you want handmade paper flower, let someone else do it. You’ll have enough to do.
  • You should bring along some adult toys, but we think that might be a bit confronting for some partners on your big day!

  • If something small goes wrong, don’t make a big thing out of it. The wedding will still go ahead and the guests will enjoy themselves. Minor issues should be ignored or given over to someone else to solve.
  • Make sure you have designated someone to take home the gifts and mementos, pay the last of the vendor bills and look after your wedding dress and veil after the wedding reception.
  • Spend time with your new husband at the reception, rather than doing things separately or getting distracted by the guests. This is your wedding reception and you want the memories to be of you enjoying it together, not apart. Take time to appreciate all that is happening and how you both feel together and it will stand you in good stead in future years as you meet the many challenges of living together.
  • A nice touch is for both of you to speak at the wedding together, rather than leaving it all up to the maid of honour and best man. These are your friends and family, not theirs, so what you say will be more personal.
  • Remember the wedding is about you, your new husband and your family and friends sharing a special time together. It’s not about the cost of the dress, whether your shoes are stylish or even what music is played.
  • Most of all, have fun.