Starting a Business


Many women opt to start their own business, rather than paying the extra cost of purchasing one that is a going concern. They may have special skills and training that mean they can set up as a sole trader to save on the costs of employing staff. Many women who have training as accountant, hairdresser, beauty consultant, or in some other field can even set up in their home to save costs until they get an established clientele.

The need for registration

If you decide to go this route, there are several steps to take that make your business a legal entity and one is registration.  This can be done easily enough online and all you have to do is answer some questions on an online form. Once the registration goes through you are given an Australian Business Number (ABN) that you can then use on all your brochures and advertising, not to mention invoices. This ensures a professional look and feel for your business. It is also a legal requirement, needed for your tax returns.


Advertising on Women Work! Career Center

Advertise online at the Women Work! Career Center and reach the thousands of women browsing for jobs regularly. Powered by Career Builder, the Women Work! Career Center gives users access to 1.3 million job listings as well as advice on balancing work and life.

For information about advertising on the Women Work! Career Center, contact Development Manager, Tamika Hodnett-Johnston via email or phone at (202) 467-6346.

Member-Only Area

Login to Women Work! 
By logging into the Women Work! members section you can gain access to your profile, members only search and other restricted items.

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Join Women Work! today!

Search the  Women Work!  Member Directory 
Find education, training and service provider organizations in the Women Work! Network.
Search Directory

If you have questions, please contact us at (202) 467-6346 or [email protected].

Corporate Partners Program

Women Work! invites corporations of all sizes to join in our mission to empower current and future generations of American women. Women Work! provides a range of benefits for supporting our critical work. For more information on the Corporate Partners Program, click here or contact Tamika Hodnett-Johnston, Development Manager by email or phone at (202) 467-6346.

We encourage women business owners to become Women Work! partners as well. You understand the challenges women face and the dedication it takes to achieve in the American economy. We welcome your involvement in our organization through the Women’s Business Owners Council, an elite group of women business owners.

Women Work! Corporate Partners


Committed Giving

Supporting Women Work! through a regularly scheduled gift is also known as committed giving. Examples include:

Electronic Transfer

You may choose to make regular payments to Women Work! directly.

Become an Underwriter

Women Work! Underwriters make a 3 year commitment to support the cost of the organization’s most basic operations at $5000/year. Please contact our Individual Gifts Manager for more information at (202) 467-6346.

Women Work! Ask The Expert

Back to School 
by Jan Cannon

More Education Needed?

Once you’ve chosen a new career direction, decide if you need more education. This might be a six-week adult-ed class in database management or a new degree in early childhood development.

For full story click here

Q&A with Dr. Richie

I am not happy in my current job, and it’s creating stress in other areas of my life. I think I need a career change, but I have come to be dependent on my salary and am nervous that a job doing something more interesting won’t pay as well. And, I’m unsure about what kind of a job I even want. How do I sort this all out? Sincerely, Ruth

Click here to see Dr. Richie’s answer

Displaced Homemaker Legislation

Women Work!’s 2002 State Displaced Homemaker Legislation Update

This update contains important information about state displaced homemaker legislation, such as amount of funds appropriated; source of revenue and distribution of funds to SP/DH programs; allowable services; administration of legislation; and contacts in each state for further information.

Download our State DH Legislation Update (pdf, 53kb)

DH Legislation Online

State support for displaced homemaker funding is more important than ever as a means to advocate resources for programs to address the unique needs and to provide services for displaced homemakers. Women Work! understands the necessity and the value this support means at the state level and we continue to monitor information about legislation across the states.


How to Help Your Child Cope with the Divorce

Help Your Child Cope with the Divorce

Divorce is often full of bitter recriminations and finding fault. While this is difficult for both parents to go through, it is even harder for children, especially if they hear you fighting over them. They think they have done something wrong and are the cause of the divorce. Then they have to cope with feelings of guilt as well as the anxiety and despair of their parents divorcing.

It is essential to help your child cope with divorce if they are to come out of it relatively unscathed. Sometimes it takes years for a child to get over their parent’s divorce and if they are young at the time they will suffer a great deal throughout their life unless you take charge of the situation to help them. Here are some tips to help your help your child cope.


News & Happenings

Tip Sheets more Accessible

Women Work!’s Work, Money & Life Tip Sheets are now more accessible! View all 43 tip sheets on the Women Work! web site without taking the time to download pdf versions. Slower dial up internet connections will no longer stand in the way of your clients as they seek out practical information on getting an education, finances, finding a job, worker’s rights and work & life balance.

Print versions of Women Work! tip sheets are also still available. Simply view the tip sheet and click the “download print version” to download and print a pdf.



Please email all calendar submissions to [email protected]. Include city, state, date, event information and who to contact for more details.

March 2009

  • March 12
    Women in Science event at Southeast Technical Institute in Sioux Falls SD  
    This Women in Science event  will have 400 girls participating in all day hands on presentations.  The presenters will be women who work in various scientific occupational areas.
  • March 17-18
    Career Expo at Southeast Technical Institute in Sioux Falls SDOver 1,200 sophomores from area schools will visit the campus for career exploration activities. Students will attend break-out session in areas of their interests (as tested and determined at their home schools) to listen to professionals in the designated field talk about, demonstrate and offer hands-on activities of their profession.



ATM: Stands for Automated Teller Machines, which enable consumers to make deposits and withdrawals from their savings and checking accounts electronically 24 hours a day.

Budget: Also known as a spending plan, it is a plan for spending and saving money that balances household income and expenses.

Balance: The amount of money on deposit in a bank account or outstanding on a loan or credit card.

Bank: A profit-making financial institution where customers can access a variety of services such as checking and savings accounts, credit cards, safe deposit boxes, and loans.

Bank statements: A document that indicates the beginning and ending balance of an account and transactions that have taken place during the statement period.

Bankruptcy: The process of petitioning a court to discharge one’s debts. There are two types of personal bankruptcy: Chapter 7 (liquidation of assets) and Chapter 13 (debt repayment plan).


Chutes & Ladders: The Search for Solid Ground for Women in the Workforce

Comments by Jill Miller, Women Work! President/CEO

Thank you Sandra, and to Congresswoman Solis, a great leader and role model for women across America, and to the entire Congressional Women’s Caucus for hosting us here today.

I had hoped I would stand here today with good news, but unfortunately, I have the disappointing task of reporting that the number of single mothers and displaced homemakers is no better than it was ten years ago. What we have uncovered in today’s report is the dramatic increase in the combined number of single mothers and displaced homemakers – up from 15 million in 1994 to 20.9 million in 2003 an increase overall of 39%.

When looking at these two groups together, every state in the nation had an increase during the past decade.

Child Tax Credit

What is the Child Tax Credit?
The Child Tax Credit (CTC) is a federal tax credit for workers raising dependent children. This credit is worth up to $1,000 per “qualifying” dependent child under age 17 in 2006, and can be claimed on a worker’s federal tax return. Even some families that earned too little to owe income tax can get the credit. Eligible families will receive all or part of their CTC in the form of a refund check from the IRS. The Child Tax Credit is different than the Child and Dependent Care CreditYou may qualify for both.

The Child Tax Credit can give a worker back some or all of the income tax taken out of his or her paychecks during the year, as well as some additional income tax still owed at the end of the year. Generally, a family’s credit is equal to the total amount of their income tax for the year, up to a maximum of $1,000 per dependent child in 2006.


Staging a Home To Sell

Staging a Home To Sell

When you want your high ticket home to sell quickly and for a really good price, many real estate agents would tell you that staging is the way to do it. What is staging? It is when you move out and refurnish the house in a way that is really modern and attractive. Or rather, you hire someone else to do it, since not every homeowner has the necessary decorating skills to do it right.

This will cost you quite a bit, but you can add the cost to the sale price of the home and are likely to get it, because the home now looks stunning. Of course, if it needed painting or other repairs, that should be done first. The furniture and other things that have been used to add that unique selling point to the home are not sold with the home. They have done their job of making the sale, so are removed by the decorator when the settlement is done.


Women Work! Hall of Fame

Women Work! is a network of amazing individuals, dedicated to helping women achieve economic self-sufficiency. The Women Work! Hall of Fame recognizes individuals who have made substantial contributions to the mission of Women Work! and to women in transition.

Gilda Nardone

Gilda has directed efforts for displaced homemakers programming in Maine since its inception 25 years ago. In 1978 Gilda was hired to work part time with a budget of $10,000 to provide services to displaced homemakers. Today, the Maine Centers for Women, Work and Community are located in 18 communities, with 34 full-time staff and a budget of $1.6 million. The lives of 20,000 women have been changed through the training and support services provided by the Maine Centers.


Gilda applied her leadership and organizational development skills at the national level serving nine years on the Women Work! Governing Board. During her tenure as President, Gilda guided the organization through a comprehensive process that culminated in the changing of the name to Women Work! Her participatory style of leadership and deep respect for and trust in the process ensured a positive outcome and support for the organization’s growth.


Resources for Individuals and Women in Transition

Work, Money & Life Tip Sheets:
Practical information to help you in all areas – financial aid, credit card debt, child support, starting a business, plus much more! Recently updated and expanded. To access them for free, click here.

2005 Tax Credits for Individuals and Parents:
Learn how you can get money back at tax time — even if you didn’t owe any taxes!
Find out more…

Work Your Image!:
Advice for competing in today’s job market! Download a free copy of the Work Your Image! Tip Sheet and the new Family Guide Tip Sheet, “How to Talk with Your Kids About the Importance of Appearance on the Job”. This new resource provides valuable suggestions for talking with young people who are entering the workforce for after-school jobs, internships, summer jobs or full-time employment.

Tools for the Informed Service Provider or Trainer

Get the tools to move women into IT!Getting IT Across! A Counselor’s Guide for Recruiting Women to Information Technology Careers (GITA) provides program operators with right tools and instruction to recruit women into IT training and employment. This easy-to-use resource turns counselors into IT career experts! Get the IT Basics every counselor needs to know:

  • IT Tips to enhance counseling skills;
  • IT Job Profiles to help clients make informed decisions;
  • IT Interest Assessment, a user-friendly tool for finding the right occupational niche;
  • and more IT resources!

Get the right skills, and get IT across!

Regular price  $59.95              Discounted for members (20% off)  $47.96

Jobs That Pay! A Guide to Nontraditional Occupations for the 21st Century. This guide will help education, training and workforce development program providers educate and motivate women to pursue a career in a broad range of high-wage fields. Jobs That Pay! will help you introduce nontraditional fields to your clients and encourage women to pursue a career with real growth opportunities. And, the job profiles section is a valuable resource to have on-hand for your program participants.

The guide includes:

  • 70 job profiles and descriptions of emerging nontraditional occupations;
  • Information on how to advocate and market nontraditional training to clients, as well as state and local decision-makers; and
  • An overview of federal funding opportunities and other resources for nontraditional training programs.

Regular price  $49.95             Discounted for members (20% off)  $39.96

Curricula and Resources for Building Stronger Programs

On the Rights Track

A Job-Readiness and Workplace Rights CurriculumThis easy-to-use curriculum provides a job-readiness approach to teaching communication, assertiveness, conflict resolution and decision-making skills — the “soft skills” experts say can improve a person’s ability to find and maintain a job.On the Rights Track is broken into four, two-hour workshops with fact sheets, tip sheets, exercises and role-playing activities using work situations to reinforce both the job-readiness skills and workplace rights information being taught. Whether you use the curriculum in its entirety or incorporate separate elements into your current training, you are adding a valuable component to other job readiness training participants receive in your programs.Regular price $104.95                       Discounted for members (20% off) $83.95

Superstores, Schools and Sewers
A Job-Readiness Approach to Understanding
the Economy’s Affect on Self-Sufficiency
Superstores, Schools and Sewers can be used effectively in combination with job training and career education programs. This innovative curriculum is especially relevant to women entering the workforce or seeking to improve their earning power through training, education and skills development. Economic decisions made in your community have a direct impact on the availability and quality of jobs, the availability of education and training needed to get better-paying jobs, and the availability of basic needs such as housing, transportation and child care.

This hands-on curriculum empowers participants to take a stronger role in their own job development by showing the connection between their economic independence and changes in the local economy.At the same time, Superstores, Schools and Sewers, uses an accessible, no-nonsense approach to teaching basic analysis, goal-setting and effective meeting skills, which are also important employment skills.

The manual includes complete lecture notes and valuable teaching aids and exercises that allow this curriculum to be used in a number of ways and with a wide variety of audiences.

Regular price  $94.95                       Discounted for members (20% off) $75.95

RESOURCES: Expanding Your Expertise
Domestic Violence, Employment &
Domestic violence is one of the most serious barriers women face when trying to become economically self-sufficient. Don’t waste time wading through the mountains of information that has been written about domestic violence.This installment of Expanding Your Expertise is unique because it gives you the information you need — how to handle the issues of domestic violence victims who participate in your employment and training program.Price $14.95
Discounted for members (20% off)  $11.95
Substance Abuse, Job Training and Self-SufficiencySubstance abuse remains one of the primary reasons women drop out of education and training programs. Substance Abuse, Job Training and Self-Sufficiency, the second installment of Expanding Your Expertise, gives you solid tips and resources for helping your program staff become more adept at identifying substance abuse problems and handling them more effectively.

Price $14.95
Discounted for members (20% off)  $11.95

Transitions & Triumphs NewsletterTransitions & Triumphs, the quarterly newsletter designed specifically for women in transition, is filled with practical, every day information. It features articles on money, career and health issues, as well as regular spotlights on emerging occupations. Every issue highlights an inspiring story of a woman who has beaten the odds and achieved economic self-sufficiency. Save now on low bulk prices!

2 – 250 copies     25 cents each
251-500 copies   22 cents each
501+ copies        20 cents each

Resource Tip Sheet PackageMake sure your program participants have the information you know they need. Each in an easy-to-understand, handy format, the Women Work! Tip Sheet Package comes complete with valuable tip sheets that deal with issues your program participants face daily. Some of the issues covered include finding financial aid; conquering credit card debt; job interviewing; defending yourself against sexual harassment; assessing whether self-employment is for you; and more.

With your own camera-ready set, you’ll be able to use these tip sheets over and over! They make wonderful handouts for your workshops or to have available in common areas.

Price $24.95
Discounted for members (20% off)  $19.95

Women Work! now offers a 15% savings on special packages of publications. This gives you a fantastic opportunity to build your resource library — at a price you can afford! And, Women Work! members receive an additional 20% off this price for a total savings of 35%. Order today and save!
Curricula PackageThese fully integrated, step-by-step curricula give you everything you need to enhance your job-readiness program. With exercises and workplace situational role-plays that reflect the world you know, these curricula make it all easy and fun! Buy them as a package and save up to $80! And, as an added bonus, when you order the curriculum package, we will send you a Set of our Work Your Image! guides – one Leader’s Guide, 20 Participant’s Guides and 40 Personal Worksheets.You get:

  • On the Rights Track: An Empowerment and Workforce Rights Curriculum
  • Superstores, Schools and Sewers: A Curriculum for Understanding How Your Local Economy Works
  • BONUS with package: Work Your Image! Creating a Professional Appearance to Get and Keep a Job

Individually priced $199.90
Discounted Package Price (15% off)   $169.95             Member Discount Package (35% off) $135.95

Expanding Your Expertise: Tools for Building Your Program You get:

  • Domestic Violence, Employment and Self-Sufficiency
  • Substance Abuse, Job Training and Self-Sufficiency
  • Women Work! Resource Tip Sheet Package
  • BONUS with package: Expanding Your Expertise storage holder to protect your installments

Individually priced $54.85
Discounted Package Price (15% off) $46.62              Member Discount Package (35% off) $37.30

Tax Credits

It’s tax season again. And, believe it or not, that could mean good news–and extra cash for you.


National Directory of Women’s Education & Training Programs

Women Work! makes its Program Directory available online to assist individual women in identifying programs and services in their local communities. We recommend that you contact each program in your area directly to learn more about their requirements for participation, the types of training they provide and the types of services available.

The directory is also a valuable resource to business and industry employers seeking to identify qualified and skilled individuals or programs with whom they could develop partnerships to meet their workforce needs. Employers who are interested in discussing partnership opportunities with Women Work! and programs in our Network should contact us at (202) 467-6346 or by email.

We periodically update the directory. If you are aware of more current information on a program or would like to have your program listed, please contact our Membership & Field Services Department at (202) 467-6346 or e-mail us at [email protected].

The Program Directory is organized by state. Please choose a state below, and the programs available in that state will be displayed to you.

Work, Money & Life Tip Sheets for Women

Women Work! tip sheets offer practical information for your life. The tip sheets are available below for free download.

You can request up to 3 free tip sheets to be mailed to you.

call: (202) 467-6346

email: [email protected]

mail: the order form

faxing: (202-467-5366)

Join Women Work! and receive a set of all available tip sheets, in addition to all of the other benefits included in a Women Work! membership. For more information and to join, visit our membership page.

Accessing the Tip Sheets

Below are links to our series of tip sheets. You will need Acrobat Reader on your computer to access these files because they are Adobe Acrobat files (pdf). Acrobat Reader is a free software. If your computer does not already have it, you can download the most recent version from the Adobe site.

Click on the tip sheet name below to access that resource.


From A Kitchen Table To Congress

Women Work!’s History

In the early 70s, as the divorce rate soared, many women found themselves “fired” from their jobs as homemakers. In 1975, Laurie Shields, a 55-year-old widow unable to find work after 15 years as a full-time homemaker and mother, contacted Tish Sommers, who she heard was “doing something for older women.”

Tish, then 57 and divorced after 23 years, called herself a “freelance agitator.” She said to Laurie, “DON’T AGONIZE, ORGANIZE!”

And organize they did, joining forces with Milo Smith, the first director of the Jobs for Older Women Action Project in Oakland, California, and with Barbara Dudley, a public interest attorney. Together they drafted the first displaced homemaker legislation, introduced in 1975 in California and later in Congress by former Representative Yvonne Burke.


Advice for Women Job Seekers: Appearance Matters

In New Poll, Americans Say a Woman’s Appearance
Affects Whether She is Taken Seriously on the Job,
Considered for Raises & Promotions

In this graduation season, Americans have advice for the millions of women job-seekers who are graduating from high school, college and job training programs: A professional appearance will help you get and keep a job, and win responsibilities, raises and promotions. A new poll finds that nearly seven in ten Americans (69 percent) – and more than eight in ten women – say clothing, hair and makeup are very or extremely important for a woman on the job, and for her confidence. Large majorities say that a woman’s appearance affects whether she is taken seriously, asked to represent her company at outside meetings, and considered for raises and promotions.
The poll was conducted by Yankelovich Partners, Inc., for Work Your Image!, a joint program of Women Work! The National Network for Women’s Employment and the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association (CTFA). Work Your Image! is designed to help displaced homemakers, single parents, welfare recipients and other women in transition create a professional appearance to get and keep a job.