A Binding Financial Arrangement can help Secure your Future
When you are married, your partner may have been dominant as far as finances were concerned. It’s a wise idea to seek legal guidance from reliable lawyers in order to secure your financial future. The reality is that many women tend to quit their jobs or leave their careers on hold after marriage in order to look after the house and children and so on. In such cases, it is even more important to ensure that property, assets and finances are distributed in a fair and equitable manner after the marriage relationship has ended. The monies are invaluable especially during the period when you begin to explore career options and look for a suitable job. A legal financial arrangement will help you pay your rent or mortgage as well as look after your needs.
A ‘binding financial agreement’ is (also known as a ‘BFA’) a written contract between you and your partner that describes the distribution of assets and property. A binding financial agreement may include one or more of the details described below: